This year's biggest internet event approaching. May 18-20!  
Watch the 3 day event, live and free  here on my site... 

We all know that Google today have significant influence on all human beings everyday lives, regardless age, and the country they live in. But of course Google is also very crucial for all type of Businesses.. Here on my website, you can watch live and free on Google's annual big 3 days event.. I recommend you at least watch the "Keynote" and this live broadcast, will start at May 18, at 10 am (California time zone)  this is a big show, but of course will Google proclaim interesting news and plans for the future, which will certainly effect us all... So welcome to watch Live and FREE here on my Website..

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Become Mobile Friendly And Increase Web Traffic.

the mobile friendly trend!

Get a mobile friendly website or blog, and you will increase web traffic to your Small Business. It has now been some time since Google made its April 21 update in 2015, and after that the small business owners in many countries, noticed an increase in sales and mobile friendly sites boosting in search ranking. In some countries, about 40% of small business owners who have optimized for mobile has been able to see increase in sales conversions. And there are sales increases of over 20% and thanks to smartphone users now have easier to find websites and blogs.

And when they find them so well, it's easier to read Web pages that is mobile optimized, and this is of course, not so hard to understand. But we should not forget all the tablet users, because it is equally important for them that your site is mobile friendly.

Many small business need speed up the change to be mobile friendly, otherwise they will lose market share to their competitors.
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How ever the most astonishing is that so many (46%) of Small Businesses in many countries do not even have an internet presensce in 2016. With the huge increase of internet and smartphone users, so I feel sorry for them. To what will happen in one or two years, is that all they're going to lose market share to their competitors, who already understand that you should have an proper Business site. To make a mobile friendly upgrade allows you to give your user a better experience, which also Google will reward you for.

This is not, of course, that all small business owners, have run away to gain an exclusive and delicious website or blog, for it is absolutely not necessary. But it's also not enough to quickly throw up a site just with your open hours. What it boils down to is that you as a business owner to get yourself a real Business site, which make it is easy for your visitor to use. It should of course be mobile friendly and include an option for consumers to make e Commerce. Then you've really got yourself a real internet presence, your visitor and customer will love it, sone you will also quickly notice the increasing sales figures. Look at this internet presence Tool.

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There is no charge for my Tips, Good Advice and Help!
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Do you have any questions, I can help you with?. Please feel free to contact me. At the bottom of the page, you can submit the question. There is no charge for my help. There are no hidden tricks or something, to sneak you into spending money.  No, it's simply, let me help you, is part of my long-term business-policy. Give lots of helpful information for free and unconditionally, will always create goodwill, benefits and income in the long Run.


Just so you know, your age is irrelevant, my website caters to all people on this planet, from the "newest newbie" that just want a blog for social purpose, to you who already have an small offline brick-and-mortar business and wish to create an new or a more functional Internet presence, with a real e Commerce. And of course for you, who want to build a real Online Business. The fundamental basic formula and principles are the same for everyone, regardless of age and the country you live In..

Already in 2012, Google did a survey
showed That

  • 74% of the visitors were more likely to return to mobile-friendly sites.
  • 61% were likely to leave if a site was not mobile friendly.
  • 67% were more likely to buy on a mobile friendly site.

In the internet industry is 3 years very long. But the trend as percentage figures symbolizing here above, have not changed, the number of smart phones has not diminished, nor the number of new internet users, and I can go on and on.

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The mobile friendly snowball effect.

Small business owners and marketers now have to very quickly understand and know the importance of consumers can find you, and that they are in a very simple way to get the help, information that they are looking for. You want then this to happen on your website and your business regardless of whether they sit at home in front of their desktop, or use their smart phone somewhere. Here you can see the Evidence, how you build a mobile friendly website/blog. Without first having to be an expert in computers or programming.

Above all, you need to understand the mobile search and advertising is not a static or far in the future industry. It is an extremely fast growing global snow ball movement, and it has already started as a small ball. But as you surely understand so would it grow and become increasingly important the longer as it rolls, right now, the speed increased.

We are heading towards a larger mobile universe, an expansion of indexing potential and a greater need to optimize for mobile in every possible way imaginable. As a small business owner, what must you do to be able to survive? Well keep the "mobile front and center" in your everyday thinking. Create real internet presence and that your website is mobile friendly, now and in the future for your own small business.

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Breaking News ... SBI is married with WordPress!
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How to build a High-Traffic blog?
WordPress is the most widely used (over 50%) content management system on the Globe...

         How Does SBI! for WordPress Work?

Whether you are a small local "brick and mortar" Business, or you're an infopreneur or an individual blogger... SBIs, New Brainstorm It! Real blog tools. Probably the Most Advanced and Easy To Handle Keyword Research Tool of its kind, on this Planet!  click here.  Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a Business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is Searching for. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

And as I've said many times. Doesn't your own business up, when consumers make their Google search, then you can be absolutely sure that some of your competitors mobile friendly website would pop up on the screen, and offer their products, services, etc. also with e Commerce as an option to make purchases. This is not some obscure and frightening future senario, taken from a scientific research seminar. No, this TODAY and can be a normal everyday senario from a sleepy country village in Nebraska, United States, a Brazilian small city, somewhere in Europe or India.

Small business owners around the world, who want to keep up with the competition and increase sales, not to mention the most important of all, which is to be able to satisfy consumer demand, it would be very wise to fix Internet presence, and to get its mobile act together.

Tanks for taking your time visit my Website.

Welcome back soon.

I Believe you will Have a Fabulous Day:)


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