Customers require
e-commerce from
local business.


What mean e-Commerce
for small
"brick and mortar" businesses?

E-commerce is something that today's customers expect that even small local "brick and mortar" business can offer.. During the past 15 years we have seen a stunning growth of the Internet. The number of websites have increased from 12 million at the turn of the millennium, to over 1 billion today in 2016.

The total volume of e Commerce on the internet, amounted to unbelievable, $1.6 trillion in 2015. I Believe you don't have any problem to understand WHY your small Business, should being able to offer your customers an Business site, with e Commerce. Today even the "newest newbie" can build an complete Business site, all by yourself, with the help of Free Guidance.

I Believe if small businesses are not starting to offer e Commerce, sorry, but they may soon risking, to be ousted and gone.  

With e Commerce, you will increase sale with over 20%... You can also with your small local "brick and mortar" business, begin to compete with the very large companies and stores. And as you already probably know, you can get new customers who live in your region or another part of your Country, or even Globally if that's your goal..

You who are a small local "brick and mortar" business, without e-Commerce. Make a test, and become an e Business, with offering those products or services are the most popular in your "brick and mortar" store. 

I am absolutely convinced that there will be successful. You know many small local businesses in different countries have already made it and after a while they increased sales, and expanded the entire Business.. You can read a article that i written. What is e Commerce and e Business. 

Over the past five years the consumer has quickly changed their internet behaviour pattern. People makes today e Commerce purchase, everywhere, at any time. The explosive smartphones revolution in all countries have made it possible for customers to make quick Internet search, to find and obtain information on the products and services they are looking for.

Consumers will also make searches directly inside your "brick and mortar" store unless you can provide what they are looking for. If they can find it at other business, they can quickly make e-Commerce. This can and will of course be inverted, provided that you also offer e shopping. I have written an related article.  How "bricks-and-clicks" benifits your small Business.

e-Commerce. yes you have Heard it Before.

Yes indeed.. You have surely heard and reading tons about "website, blogs and to offer e commerce" a couple of years now, and of course, many small local business owners acquired a internet presence but mostly in the form of a quickly cooked together a blog, a facebook like page, with mediocre content, without product fotos and an option for e Commerce. Once and for all, social media is not for sale pitch or monetizing. Social media is excellent for PREsell and placing link to your own Business site.

But I still see it very often and certainly also you when doing a search to find where somewhere on the local map, a specific product for sale, as well as real info about products. All consumers have rapidly changed their way of making purchases, previously we traveled around to various offline stores, and look for products where we are supposed to find them out of habit or Assumptions.

On this glob today, have around 40% internet access at Home , and most people is smart phone users. This means that consumers, first make a search on google for help, information about a Business, Products or Services before a decision is taken on when, and with which "brick and mortar" consumers finally decide to make a Purchase.

IKEA.. A major Swedish international Company, has long resisted ecommerce. But have now decided to invest in an ecommerce solution as option for its customers.

So, this is in fact the stark reality, even if many small business owners continue to argue that they have their permanent and loyal group of customers to breathing down the rapid development on the internet, those small business owners really in the neck. 

A major Swedish international company with major strong Economic muscles called IKEA has long resisted and had a conservative approach to a real website and ecommerce shopping system, but even IKEA has now realised that the risk of losing significant market share to its competitors is so big that in the fall of 2014 IKEA Management, decided to invest in an e-Commerce business solution as option for its customers, in order not to fall behind, and losing customers to its competitors.

wordpress news!
how to start a blog?

Breaking News ... SBI is married with WordPress!

How to build a High-Traffic blog?
WordPress is the most widely used (over 50%) content management system on the Globe...

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Whether you are a small local "brick and mortar" Business, or you're an infopreneur or an individual blogger... SBIs, New Brainstorm It! Real blog tools. Probably the Most Advanced and Easy To Handle Keyword Research Tool of its kind, on this Planet!  click here. 

Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a Business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is Searching for. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

Pictures, availability, careful description.

It is important for small businesses to have a real e-commerce website or blog design, there should be pictures of all products and a stock balance that is connected to your site so that customers can see where the products are available right now in the offline store or available on their ecommerce store. 

Pictures, availability, but also a careful description of the products is a very important ingredient, customers want to have accurate product information on your website, this will increase your sales, and also to save you as a small business owner with little staff resources from many phone calls from potential customers with simple questions that they should get on your website.

If your "offline Business" does not have an online presence with ecommerce option, so you can be absolutely certain that your competitors will have it!

Due to the rapid development of the internet and the rapidly increasing number of offline business that also begins offering e-Commerce service, it becomes difficult to solely with the help of sales in store able to retain old and expect to get new customers for small businesses that don't have an ecommerce solution. 

With a good webshop can e business owners like you, attract old and new customers to choose you instead of one of your competitors. Through that you can easily maintain and update your website with ecommerce marketing in social media so would you be able to get a larger spin on orders.

Social media marketing.

Just social media such as facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest has today become a main key. Yes.. It is a very simple and inexpensive way to reach out and connect with consumers. Today it is a must for you to have an account on facebook or any other social media. This would create a natural flow, from social media to your own business site. I have written a separate article.  Learn how social media benefits your small Business.

internet trading accounts for 75-80%.

I Believe offline stores in seasonal industries is vulnerable especially in smaller towns, there are examples where internet trading accounts for 75-80% of annual revenue. So unless they had had a webshop so wouldn't the usual offline store exist because the local customer base would have been too small. But I would also like to say to start a pure e Commerce business located on a sparsely populated place, a small town, would be an excellent business idea, 

as long as there is access to internet and a properly functioning cargo handling in the case of hard goods. And your e Commerce shop, is always open 24 HR, even when your "brick and mortar" store has closed, it is obviously a very great advantage. Don't forget that customers require today that even small "Brick and mortar" can offer e Commerce.

many disabled persons have great computer skills
e commerce store is a perfect workplace!

Also remember to offer employment to a disabled person. There is plenty of disabled persons in all countries which possess vast knowledge of computers, but also because there are many tasks on a typical e Commerce store which very well fits for a disabled person. Last but not least, it provides the Government in many countries, different types of generous economic compensations to companies that hire disabled persons ..

can i help you?

There is no charge for my Tips, Good Advice and Help!

Do you have any questions, I can help you with?. Please feel free to contact me. At the bottom of the page, you can submit the question. There is no charge for my help. There are no hidden tricks or something, to sneak you into spending money.  

No, it's simply, let me help you, is part of my long-term business-policy. Give lots of helpful information for free and unconditionally, will always create goodwill, benefits and income in the long Run.


Just so you know, your age is irrelevant, my website caters to all people on this planet, from the "newest newbie" that just want a blog for social purpose, to you who already have an small "brick-and-mortar" business and wish to create a proper "4 pillars" Internet presence, with a real e Commerce. 

And of course for you, who want to build a real Online Business. The fundamental basic formula and principles are the same for everyone, regardless of industry and the country you live In..

important to be up-to-date.

It has now become important for a small offline store, to have a up-to-date modern face to the world, a real website or blog ecommerce, because customers expect it even if you only have a small business. Today there are many small offline stores with a well working e commerce option, that actually have to acquire an additional and larger premises in order to cope with their large increase in e commerce sales. 

Then there is a different and equally important aspect, that it will the surge in new orders create lots of new e commerce jobs in places that may have high unemployment rates, normally does not require highly skilled labour, which can work with to pack and send off ordered products.

Over time it has been written a lot about that retail sales on the internet is increasing rapidly and in many countries by 15-20%, the industries that sell a lot on the internet are clothing/shoes, mobile phones and other home electronics. 

But development goes in a frantic pace so that it applies to you as a small business owner to hang on and upgrade your internet presence, because your competitors would do that. And consumers will first make their search on google and other search engines to get help, get info about products before they finally decide which offline store or e commerce shop they choose to complete their purchases.....

To offer e commerce solutions, as an option for your customers is no longer something that you "brick-and-mortar" should think about. You must offer it Today.


Today a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises that do not yet have a real website or blog with e-commerce. There are surely many reasons for this: a cost issue, lacks the knowledge and experience of building up and maintaining an up-to-date site, do not see the need at this time. Well.. One thing is absolutely certain, your competitors already have a functioning, e-Commerce option, or will soon be able to offer that, when customers make their google search.

I Believe consumers today are not satisfied with a simple blog or a quickly written "facebook like page", The offline business, that finally will get a chance to get an order, and conducting a sale? Yes it is probably primarily the store that has a real business site that has included e commerce as an option, that can assist and answer questions that potential customers have when they do their search. 

For those who lack or have little web-technical knowledge and experience don't worried, there is an Excellent web Tool  that is very easy to manage and very inexpensive. Lots of small business owners are of cource already using this. Take a Video Tour  to see how super easy it is.


Thanks for taking your time visit my Website.

Welcome back soon.

I Believe you will Have a Fabulous Day:)


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Move to Portugal and start Online Business.

In the near future I will change my main Residence from Sweden to Bangkok in Thailand.. My Internet Business will run as usual, but of course i looks forward to helping many small locala Business in Thailand, become easier to find on internet for potential visitors and customer..


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