User Friendly Business Site 
It's Very Easy To Create

user friendly sites is today important for consumer experiences.

Making your sites user friendly, it is a short phrase that have received many small business owners shudder and lying sleepless at night, because for just a few years ago required almost expert knowledge to make it correct. 

But just in the past few years there have been major changes, today, can all small business owners themselves at any time to manage their own website or blog SEO...

But now let's roll up our sleeves and throw us into, and take a look how you easily by yourself can manage your own business website or blog, to make it more user friendly, but also mobile friendly..

The latter is indeed of very great importance to all small business owners in all countries today, because consumers today use their smart phones to quickly perform searches on the internet. All offline and online business owners who do not have a mobile friendly internet presence is in the big risk, to be ignored by consumers, who quickly decide to click through, to a site that is more user and mobile friendly.


Google's main philosophy.

Historically, it was the usual seo strategy to ignore Google's main line, and instead crafting Website pages so it was designed for search engine spiders, and crammed with keywords.

Google's main philosophy has always been to focus on the user, so taken care of everything else as a natural consequence. When google wrote down these ten things the first time, Google had only been around for five years. Here you can read these 10 points about company philosophy.

seo and user experience.

So in other words, Google's main philosophy is such that you are now going to design primarily for the UX (user experience) and logically speaking, if you think about it, it's much more valuable to your consumer than just designing for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). So always write your content first for humans, second for search engine spiders.

But as I've written before, so have not seo lost its importance in favour of only UX focused approach. SEO and UX (user experience) has become more and more a supplement and entered into marriage, and to integrate UX means often an improved SEO for you and your web business.

There are some factors to affect UX certainly Google's ability to crawl your site, and many areas where they naturally benefit from each other, it would be wise for you as business owner to design for, and take both into, account, but of course focus on your user/consumer above all..

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Do you have any questions, I can help you with?. Please feel free to contact me. At the bottom of the page, you can submit the question. There is no charge for my help. There are no hidden tricks or something, to sneak you into spending money.  

No, it's simply, let me help you, is part of my long-term business-policy. Give lots of helpful information for free and unconditionally, will always create goodwill, benefits and income in the long Run.


Just so you know, your age is irrelevant, my website caters to all people on this planet, from the "newest newbie" that just want a blog for social purpose, to you who already have an small "brick-and-mortar" business and wish to create a proper "4 pillars" Internet presence, with a real e Commerce. 

And of course for you, who want to build a real Online Business. The fundamental basic formula and principles are the same for everyone, regardless of industry and the country you live In..

modern seo in the 21st century.

The collected knowledge about SEO, from the late 1990s until today, have arisen either as a result of a kind of experimentation or as a real result of that Google simply have put their cards on the table and told us what their algorithm is looking for. These are not, however, been some web-technical disclosures, but it has usually been simple generalizations, as, for example, "write content that is relevant and valuable".

In the end, there is only one motivation that drives Google and it is the experience of their users receive. Google favors sites that make their visitors super happy. You can ignore the underlying technology, the happier your users get when they visit your website, the higher you will be ranked.

  1. Offering a good business website Experience.

Modern SEO is very complex. But there are some important points that you can do to make your users happy. This includes a number of different factors. Make your purpose clearly known. Make your site appealing.

Make it easy for your visitors to navigate and quickly find exactly what they are looking for. Make your site fast and optimized for all devices (mobile friendly). These principles are fundamental, either you already have knowledge and experience or use a real Business tool  for you when you now start to build up and maintain your website.

  2. Writing relevant and valuable content.

The content of your website or blog has been the fundamental cornerstone of SEO for the past fifteen years, but now you don't need working hard with keyword stuffing, nor do you need to present your content in a particular way.

You just need to make sure that you choose the interesting and relevant topics. If you do not already have an established offline brick and mortar business, for then you know already what to point out when you now soon starting to build up a real website or blog.

  3. Social media is today a must.

Today, social media is a must for all type of business owners, as all consumers use one or more of the major social media channels. My recommendation to you is that no matter what you think of social media, so are these three: facebook, twitter and pinterest a minimum as your business should Verify, so that your visitors can in the smallest share what you posted there.

Update your social media pages often, so would over time audience flow to, and the whole thing would overall affect your ranking positively in your favor.

  4. Place your business on the local map.

I have written a separate article regarding appear on the local map so that your customers can Find Local Business . Put your business on the local map so that your customers find you before they find all of your other competitors. Again, Google wants to reward you with better rankings Points.

  5. Be Recognized As Aauthority.

You know that for some years ago, you were the business owner had to sneak in links to so many established sources as possible on your website.

Today there is no need of such an excessive triks and tactics. Instead, you should now concentrate on building relationships, with your customers, person to person, it will take a little time and a lot of patience from you. Do not forget that you can easily rallied up to speed with small online ads on Facebook, for example, and it need not cost you many dollars. 

Build also addressed relations with external blogs and other publishers. And they will help you stand out. Write content on your website that is relevant and valuable, and other websites will link to your website in a natural way. Make your website magnetic for incoming links, Google will see that "vote" for your websites credibility, confidence and natural authority.

  6. Pillars Articles and Pillars Contents.

Look at this Article , that I have written, it is about "Pillars Contents" and Getting Traffic...

the modern day SEO.

In the end, the modern day SEO boiled down to "make it very simply": in short, make your users / customers super happy. If your users are coming to your website, and they quickly will find exactly what they are looking for, and in addition has a very fun-time to do it. 

Then Google will immediately take action, you will naturally rise in rank, and more of your customers / users have the same experience, the whole process will roll on like a snowball in downhill, it will naturally grow very large. Web-technical and computer knowledge and experience, is a prerequisite for you to be able to build up a real website with the ability for your customers to select the e Commerce.

What about "free website or blog offers".

To use "free blog or website" can be perfectly ok for private individuals who just want to have an online presence only for social purpose... 

wordpress news!
how to start a blog today?

Breaking News ... SBI is married with WordPress!

How to build a High-Traffic blog?
WordPress is the most widely used (over 50%) content management system on the Globe...

         How Does SBI! for WordPress Work?

Whether you are a small local "brick and mortar" Business, or you're an infopreneur or an individual blogger... SBIs, New Brainstorm It! Real blog tools. Probably the Most Advanced and Easy To Handle Keyword Research Tool of its kind, on this Planet!  click here. 

Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a Business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is Searching for. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

The perfect web-solution for

small business owners.

To find a website or blog producer is no problem, it is teeming with companies that will tailor your website or blog. The problem is that the price easily speed up for $ 5 to 10,000 just to produce a proper site with option for e commerce, then so will the annual operating costs pluss pluss everything else.

Since you probably do not have neither the knowledge nor the experience so you need to educate yourself or hire a web manager, to be able to manage your sites daily in your office. All these large fixed and variable costs, is for most small business owners something not usually found with their tight budgets ..

The best option for you who do not have a large personal interest in web technology, but has the greatest focus on taking care of and help your customers so that they feel that with you, we get the best and quickest help, best products/services, best information, best and easiest-to-navigate-on website, best e commerce service, etc.

To use a real business tools, so that you don't have to wrestle around with the complexity of the underlying technology. An all-in-one special tool box with SEO, for small and medium-sized business, where you will also give customers the option for e commerce, you can quickly build up your website or blog and manage the daily updates.

Thus you can concentrate completely on the contact with your customers and your website or blog content, rather than worry about the technology because it is automatic.

As I have said, I fully understand that many people have a personal big interest in web technology.

But for the vast majority of us "brick and mortar" business owners, who do not have the big web technology passion. Instead i think you get yourself a rough broadly overview when it comes to web technology like i do. So all of you who already have run a business, offline or online for many years know that having to sit in the office and fiddling with complex web technique, only creates frustration.

Ignore trying to become a web programmer, if you are not a big interested in becoming one. It would just steal precious time you rather use to create content and talking to and helping customers in your "brick and mortar store". 

I'm much better at everything else but web technology. Now I and many hundreds of thousands of, small business owners use a perfect all-in-one tool box that we ourselves can quickly handle without wasting precious time.

dont forget become mobile friendly.

As you probably already know about, but in April 2015, Google rolled out a get mobile-friendly update to improve the ranking of your website and to make it readable and, most importantly, functional and easily manageable on various mobile devices.

It is now imperative that you make sure that your website is designed not only for the desktop, but also for various mobile screens, remembering that the number of new smartphone users increasing exponentially every day in all countries, but the increase is greatest in India.

In fact, Google has posted on its AdWords blog that it is now "done more Google searches on mobile devices than on desktop computers in more than 10 countries, including the United States." There are three Google-recognized ways to design for many different mobile devices: responsive design, dynamic serving and separate URLs. 

Of these three, responsive design is the best choice for both SEO and UX. With responsive design, your site is basically the same, it only serves different screens depending on what device it's all about. Separate URLs are the least favorable choice, and not something I would recommend, as the mobile must then rank Them.


We should thank God that the Internet exists, and that the Web technical development has been so rapid, and lots of new technological opportunities coming up almost daily, I have here a link to Google's annual event, which took place in May 2015.

There, can you see the news that Google already has launched since May, and news that will be launched over the next year, I can warmly recommend you to watch, you have already seen it so see it again it's well worth every minute ...

Modern-day SEO can be boiled down to one simply principle: make your users very happy, was always ready to help your customer. If users/customers come to your site, get what they’re looking for and have a good time doing it.

Google will take notice, you’ll rise in rank, and if more users have the same experience, the whole process will common sense style approach to content marketing and user experience optimization often perform just as well to boost your overall rankings.

Just remember that your job to make your website or blog user friendly and mobile friendly is very important, many believe that it is much more complicated than what it is in reality. This applies, however, to have the proper knowledge and experience so that Everything get right from the early beginning.

But if you do not have it so I advise you to definitely Take a look at this Business Tools  that I recommend here on my website, if it can be something for you and your business. It would save you, whether you have an offline or online business to much frustration, believe me, because I myself torn my hair many times before I was recommended this business tools ..

all the cards on the table.

A comparison.

Thanks for taking your time visit my Website.

I Believe that you will have a Fabulous Day:)


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In the near future I will change my main Residence from Sweden to Bangkok in Thailand.. My Internet Business will run as usual, but of course i looks forward to helping many small locala Business in Thailand, become easier to find on internet for potential visitors and customer..


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