why Internet in India Creates over 102 millions new Jobs.


internet in india 
what's up?

Internet in India, and from the government proclaimed "digital India". How can you benefit from this future e Commerce Boom. I believe it is a gigantic online business opportunity, that internet in India, is on the way to creating.. Online connection to all Citizens. A Digital India will in the next 3-5 years to create new Internet Trends. 

Because here at my website you will find Free tips and guidance, tips so you can avoid unnecessary mistakes, and instead be well prepared to start, be among the first, to be able to surf on this huge internet wave, because it wants to come, there is no doubt about That..

Nowadays internet users in India, do a little more than just web surfing for news, check out on facebook, twitter and their e-mail. India has become one of the few “mobile first, PC second” markets in the World. That is why it is so extremely important that your business site is "mobile friendly", so your visitors with smart phones can read your site Properly.

Today when consumers surf the Internet with their smart phones, and end up on a website or blog that is not mobile friendly, is chances very high that they very quickly, jump to one of your competitors, who already have a mobile friendly site...

Today do people google search many times daily, think for yourself how often do you write "How to find" on Google search?... As I said many Times. All people do today google search to get information, to find locations, to find different products and services, to get help and to make comparisons, etc, before they decide when and where to make purchases or take other measures.

Start your own real website or blog and internet business in india. Find a niche that interests you and that have a demand, fill it with valuable and relevant content so that your visitors can find you and your site on google, before they find your competitors. But It is very important for you to understand that just throw up a blog is not a real Online Business. WordPress "as-is" Won't build a e business, (i have tried, and failed). So you need More. I believe on my website you will get all the answer...

how big is the internet market in india?

The number of mobile Internet users in India is expected to reach over 210 Million in 2015 a fantastic 23% jump over just six months, according to the mobile Internet in India 2014 report released by Internet and mobile Association of India in January 2015. Online user base India is estimated to be the second largest in the world with as many as 370 million users by the end of 2015. Anyway these numbers increasing all the time, right now when i am write this in mid june 2015, it is over 310 millions internet users in India. 

Here you can see " Live right now in this second ". The future plans from Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon'ble Minister of the  Department of Telecom at the India Government , is that internet is expected to create many new jobs, 17 million direct and 85 million indirect jobs in near future,

39% of the world’s population or around 2.8 billion people are now Internet users. Getting the other 5 billion people online has become a huge business opportunity. Globally the top 5 internet companies are not surprisingly: Apple leader of the pack, followed closely by Google, Alibaba, Facebook and Amazon.

India has become one of the leading markets in Internet and smartphone growth. India is today the third-largest Internet market after China and the USA. India, Brazil, and China are leading the growth of smartphones. And in India, The internet usage on smartphones and mobile devices has risen dramatically. Indian smartphone users market grew by close to 55%.

India beats every country on this planet, over 210 Million smartphone users. Extremly important that your website is mobile friendly. Here you will find solution.

Very Interestingly, shows a picture of India that today 65% of overall Internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Well... Hardly surprising, considering that India had only 15.520.000 wired broadband Internet connections of the total around 99,20 million broadband users at the end of March 2015. It is, in fact, only Nigeria that have a higher mobile Internet traffic percentage wise. But in absolute total number, India beats every country on this planet, and the lead position will only increase.

Another very interesting Internet trend from India is, that about 41% of e commerce, takes place on smart phones, and that number will increase, is probably not difficult to understand. Flipkart, is as you know, India's largest e-Commerce companies, they plan to actually shut down its website, and only provide an App-only model. Some online shop, such as Myntra, is already App-only.

So when it comes to online payment options, so-called "mobile wallets", and how consumers can pay when they want to shop online. Well-known Paytm is dominating right now the Indian market with 80 million mobile wallets, registration is from year to year with growth of 17 times. No one knows anything for sure about the future, apart from that Paytm will show in increased numbers. Possibly also other multiple payment options to try to cut the market share in the large and heavily growing e-commerce market in India.

I push a little extra for you as a female in India, to take a real look at this online business tool for Women.

start online business in india.

You will not only to build your own small e Business in india. You are going to build a completely new life for you and your Family. Now that the number of internet users in india is growing so rapidly, so to even as a corollary information online demand increase as much. For those of you who want to start a home based online business in india, would this be very rewarding.

On this website you will find the perfect solution, how to start, build and run your own real internet business. To build a real website or blog requires knowledge and experience, the most important thing for you is to do everything right from the early beginning.

can i help you?

There is no charge for my Tips, Good Advice and Help!

Do you have any questions, I can help you with?. Please feel free to contact me. At the bottom of the page, you can submit the question. There is no charge for my help. There are no hidden tricks or something, to sneak you into spending money.  

No, it's simply, let me help you, is part of my long-term business-policy. Give lots of helpful information for free and unconditionally, will always create goodwill, benefits and income in the long Run.


Just so you know, your age is irrelevant, my website caters to all people on this planet, from the "newest newbie" that just want a blog for social purpose, to you who already have an small "brick-and-mortar" business and wish to create a proper "4 pillars" Internet presence, with a real e Commerce. 

And of course for you, who want to build a real Online Business. The fundamental basic formula and principles are the same for everyone, regardless of industry and the country you live In..

The advantage for you today is that my tips and good advice, combined with the technical solutions is to help reduce your chances of making many unnecessary mistakes, that will cost you valuable time, lots of money and frustration. Even with the solutions i give you here on my website, there's still no 100% guarantee of success. This isn't a Quick-fix or Get-rich-quick Scheme. It will still take commitments and work efforts to build a real and successful online business.

But with this robust suite of real business tools, my Free tips and good advice, will definitely without doubt put the odds of success in your favor. You don't have first to become a web programmer expert, to build a real website or blog and a real e business that you also can, if you want offer your customers an option for e Commerce.

The only rock solid all-in-one step-by-step system of process-and-software that delivers thriving online business ideas . All you need to grow a real e-commerce business is already built-in, and of course included, so there is no additional Upgrade.

the main advantage for you.

The main advantage of the step-by-step solutions you find here on my website! Is that it provides real tools, proper guidance and coaching to help you keep the focus on the correct steps, from day 1. You will start with a completely unique and easy-to-use research tool box that helps you quickly figure out which type of website or blog for creating in the first place.

Many people fail because they create sites that was doomed from the beginning. It's sad when someone emails me to say that he/she has still not received any traffic to his website or blog, even after writing 100+ articles. It's not nice to have to tell people that they made their biggest mistake before the site was even launched, by not making right from the early beginning, and to choose a Niche with virtually no demand...

Or one that is oversaturated with entrenched competition. With the help of this unique step-by-step solution I suggest you to use, will help you do everything right. from the important first beginning

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Breaking News ... SBI is married with WordPress!

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WordPress is the most widely used (over 50%) content management system on the Globe...

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Whether you are a small local "brick and mortar" Business, or you're an infopreneur or an individual blogger... SBIs, New Brainstorm It! Real blog tools. Probably the Most Advanced and Easy To Handle Keyword Research Tool of its kind, on this Planet!  click here. 

Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a Business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is Searching for. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

you have 2 options.

If you are already running a successful online business that generates many $1000s of dollars every month, in income for you, then you need not necessarily make use of this tool box, since you already have the necessary knowledge and experience. But if you are a beginner and never previously built up a real website or blog and a real e business, or if you have tried and failed, or if you are stuck trying to build serious traffic and generate Revenue.

you have 2 options.

  1. Go the long and hard way, get yourself a real and relevant, education, knowledge and experience...
  2. You can start now today, to build up your own real website or blog and real online business. Without having to first, take a long, expensive and complicated web programming education You start by using the Tool box as I Suggested.

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To Compares.


How can you ensure the success of your online business in India? Well.. there is only one way to find out, is that you start NOW TODAY. With over 310 million internet users in India Today, and this number just increases for each minute. So one thing is absolut for sure and that is that the demand for different products and services on internet will have a huge increase in the next 3-5 years.

If you want to Succeed in generating revenue online. Just simply start to looking at this Video Tour , then you can build your own opinion, if this is something for you... Believe me, a year from now, you'll be very glad you took action, now Today.

Thanks For Taking Your Time Visit My Website.

Welcom back soon.

Have a Fabulous Day:)


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